Carro Kick 55 ltr
Top-Quality powder-coated aluminium or stainless steel pedalbin with self-closing, soft-closing lid.
Leading in corrosion resistance performance.
The lid has a manually operated hold-open feature at the back.
This bin is Fire-safe and assists you to comply with the HACCP guidelines.
30×30 cm
Height 60 cm
SKU: 89900055
Where to find us
de Zaalberg 17
2351 ES Leiderdorp
+31(0)71 5425462
The Netherlands
2351 ES Leiderdorp
+31(0)71 5425462
The Netherlands
Business hours
Call us: +31 (0)71 5425462
Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm
Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm